World News

Tourist baffled after seeing so many Australians walk around without shoes on

It can be easy to assume that just because a country speaks the same language as you, you’ll have things in common with them. But while Americans and Australians might both share the English language, there’s definitely some key cultural differences. In fact, tourists on TikTok have only just started discovering one of the biggest differences between Aussies …

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Japanese Woman Arrested For Selling Book On How To Swindle Sugar Daddies

Mai Watanabe, a young self-proclaimed dating scammer, was arrested for selling how-to guides on defrauding ‘sugar daddies’ through paid dating. 25-year-old Watanabe, who hails from Nagoya, Japan, was arrested in August for selling a number of dating scam manuals to her social media followers. featuring titles like ‘Textbook for Sugar …

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